Where to Get 940 Plus Gears in Wow UPDATED

Where to Get 940 Plus Gears in Wow

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In your Earth of Warcraft adventures, y'all may come up across some pieces of gear that look appealing only have poor stats, or you lot may also come up across pieces of gear that have great stats but aren't like shooting fish in a barrel on the eyes. The solution to this problem is chosen transmogrification (likewise known as transmog, tmog, mog, or xmog), a procedure that will let you lot make a piece of gear take on the appearance of another piece of gear. In that location are a few important things to know earlier starting to transmog your gear.

  1. ane

    Obtaining the item to transmogrify. In gild to transmogrify an item to have the appearance of another item, you must own both items. For instance, if the shield you lot have equipped is the Ancient Mogu Tower Shield and you lot would similar to transmogrify it to have the advent of Shield of the Stockades, you must own both shields.

    • You lot don't need to accept the detail you lot want to transmogrify in your pack; it's OK if it is in your banking concern, equally long equally you have it somewhere.
  2. 2

    Make sure it is possible to transmogrify the item you want into your current gear. Most items of common (green), rare (blue), and ballsy (imperial) quality tin can exist transmogrified, merely there are a few exceptions and conditions that must be met:

    • Items of a legendary (orange) quality cannot be transmogrified or transmogrified into.
    • Armor can only be transmogrified into items that are of the aforementioned armor type. For example, if you accept a material belt, you can merely transmogrify it into other cloth belts. You lot volition not be able to transmogrify a material belt into a mail service chugalug, a plate belt, or a leather belt.
    • While near weapons can only be transmogrified to other weapons of the same blazon (eastward.1000., transmogging a dagger into another dagger), there are some exceptions, such as hunter weapons.
    • Bows, guns, or crossbows can exist transmogrified into each other, and so information technology would be possible to transmog Ennadee's Twirling Longbow (a bow) into the Kor'kron Mitt Cannon (a gun).
    • Polearms and staves can also exist transmogrified into ane some other.
    • One-handed axes, maces, or swords tin be transmogrified into other one-handed axes, maces, and swords; 2-handed axes, maces, and swords can be transmogrified into other two-handed axes, maces, or swords.
    • You would exist able to transmog a one-handed axe into a one-handed mace, or a two-handed sword into a ii-handed axe, but you could never transmogrify something that is one-handed into something ii-handed or vice versa.
    • Daggers, fist weapons, wands, and off-hand weapons cannot be transmogrified into any other weapon blazon.
    • Make sure you're capable of equipping both items to transmogrify. You must be able to equip both items to be able to transmogrify them. Y'all may find some items that have a level requirement to equip. If you are not able to equip the item at your current level, but will be a high enough level in the future, so you may desire to salvage the item and so you can transmogrify it afterward after yous are able to equip it.


  1. ane

    Go to a transmogrification vendor. Once you are all set, the last footstep is to become to one of your faction's transmogrification vendors. There are currently 2 transmogrification vendors in the game for each faction.

    • If yous are on the Alliance, one transmogrification vendor is in Stormwind and the other is at the Shrine of 7 Stars in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
    • If you are on the Horde, one transmogrification vendor is in Orgrimmar and the other is at the Shrine of Two Moons in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
    • You can talk to a city baby-sit to mark the vendor'south location on your map.
  2. two

    Talk to the vendor to begin the transmogrify procedure. When you click on the vendor, a window that says "Transmogrify" volition bear witness upward on your screen with an epitome of your graphic symbol along with the pieces of gear you take currently equipped.

  3. iii

    Select the gears. Move your mouse over a piece of gear, and an pointer will come up near it. When you click on the arrow, a list of all the items y'all tin can transmogrify that piece of gear into will drib downwardly.

    • You can click on whatever piece of gear and it will update the image of your graphic symbol so you can come across how it would wait if you transmogrified that detail.
  4. four

    Transmogrify your gear. Once you take selected the item you want to transmogrify, detect a button that says "Employ" on the lesser correct of the Transmogrify window.

    • To the left of the "Use" button, you lot volition see an amount of gold, silver, and copper. When you click on "Use," y'all will be charged that amount, and your item volition be transmogrified.


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  • These are the names of the vendors: Stormwind - Warpweaver Hashom (Brotherhood) and Shrine of 7 Stars - Warpweaver Ramahesh (Alliance). Orgrimmar - Warpweaver Dushar (Horde) and Shrine of Two Moons - Warpweaver Shafiee (Horde).

  • The Auction House is a neat place to search for items to transmog.

  • Do not worry if yous alter your mind after transmogging an item. You lot can ever reverse the process past going to a transmog vendor and right-clicking on your item in the Transmog window, then click "Utilise."

  • If you transmogrify a "Bind on Equip" item, the item volition get leap to you, and you volition no longer be able to trade it.

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Where to Get 940 Plus Gears in Wow UPDATED

Posted by: daviddeord1942.blogspot.com

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